Seorang kakek penjual balon yang berusia 78 tahun bernama Carl Fredricksen akhirnya memenuhi impiannya untuk melakukan petualangan terhebat saat ia mengikatan ribuan balon ke rumahnya dan terbang menuju hutan belantara di Amerika Selatan. Tetapi ia menemukan sebuah mimpi buruk menyelinap dalam petualangannya. Mimpi buruk itu bernama Russell, seorang anak laki-laki pencinta alam berusia 9 tahun. Bersama-sama, mereka mengambil bagian dalam sebuah petualangan, dimana mereka bertemu dengan seekor anjing yang dapat berbicara, seorang penjahat yang kejam dan burung langka bernama Kevin.
amazing! ahahahaha. selain warna-warna cerah dan indah yang mendominasi film ini, humor-humornya juga kena! yang gue suka dari Pixar adalah, walaupun mereka pembuat film kartun tapi cerita, dialog, adegan, humor, dan sebagainya tidak kekanak-kanakkan dan cenderung dewasa. well satu hal yang gue suka dari film-filmnya Pixar adalah selalu ada meaning yang bisa ditarik dari setiap filmnya. dan terkadang kalau ditonton dua kali, atau direnungkan lagi, meaningnya bisa lebih dalam dari yang kita duga.
hm, gue suka dengan filosofi karakter si kakek dan cerita-cerita yang mengiringi dia sepanjang film. gimana dia dengan tegas engga mau kehilangan suatu hal yang dia bangun bersama istrinya dan gimana dia mempertahankannya walaupun sempat mengalami dilema dan harus memilih antara "zona aman" atau petualangan baru. well, sebuah kisah yang mungkin cukup relevan di dewasa ini. bagaimana sulitnya untuk mempasrahkan suatu hal dan melihat ke depan dengan sudut pandang baru.
9 of 10
dan gue dapat trivia yang sangat menarik dari imdb yang menurut gue sangat sangat touching tentang film ini.
On Dec. 23, 2005, young Colby Curtin was diagnosed with vascular cancer, after doctors found a tumor in her liver. On April 28th, 2009, at the age of ten, her parents took her to see Monsters vs Aliens (2009). She was most impressed with the preview to "Up", saying "I have to see that movie. It is so cool." Two days later, Colby's health began to worsen.
On June 4th, her mother Lisa asked a hospice company to bring a wheelchair for Colby so she could visit a theater to see "Up." However, the weekend went by and the wheelchair was not delivered. Unfortunately, Colby was now too sick to leave home and her family feared she would die without seeing the film.
A family friend named Terrell Orum-Moore, who desperately wanted Colby to get her last wish, began to cold-call Pixar and Disney to see if someone could help. Pixar has an automated telephone answering system, Orum-Moore said, and unless she had a name of a specific person she wanted to speak to, she could not get through. Orum-Moore guessed a name, and the computer system transferred her to someone who could help, she said. Pixar officials listened to Colby's story and agreed to send someone to Colby's house the next day with a DVD of "Up". Lisa Curtin asked her daughter, "Do you think you can hang on?". "I'm ready (to die), but I'm going to wait for the movie," the girl replied.
The company flew an employee with the "Up" DVD, which was still only in theaters, to the Curtin's home on June 10 for a private viewing. He had a bag of stuffed animals of characters in the movie and a movie poster. He shared some quirky background details of the movie, and the group settled in to watch "Up". Colby couldn't see the screen because the pain kept her eyes closed, so her mother gave her a play-by-play of the film.
At the end of the film, Lisa if her daughter enjoyed the movie, and Colby nodded yes. Lisa Curtin described the Pixar employee, saying "He couldn't have been nicer. His eyes were just welled up." Of the film, she remarked, "When I watched it, I had really no idea about the content of the theme of the movie. I just know that word 'Up' and all of the balloons and I swear to you, for me it meant that (Colby) was going to go up. Up to heaven." Seven hours after viewing the film, Colby passed away with her parents at her side. Pixar officials declined to comment on the story or name the employees involved.
Her mother said one of the memorabilia left by the Pixar employee was an "adventure book" based on a scrapbook that, in the movie, is kept by the wife of the main character.
"I'll have to fill those adventures in for her," Lisa Curtin said of her daughter.
courtesy of http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1049413/trivia
BalasHapusg senang loe memberikan angka 9 pada film ini!
g suka bangetttt filmnya.. dari pertama kali liat trailernya udah sukaa.. huaa.. waktu di amrik, dah keluar, g tahan2 mau ntn di indo.. akhirnya keluar juga!! euehuhee..x)
iya g setuju, PIXAR selalu bikin kita nonton berkali2.. kayak Finding Nemo.. g dah ntn 15x mo!!! g rasa UP sejajar nihh ma diaa.. *bagi gue*.. ahuhaua.. mau beli dvdnya!!! huaaa.. suka sukaaaaa *euphoriaaaa..x)
OH kelupaan..
BalasHapusAbis ntn UP di hari pertama dia keluar, malemnya langsung baca di imdb juga trivia2nyaa.. baguss yaaaa.. huaaaa.. mau ntn lagi!!!
*euphoriaaa masihh.. ahuhauhaua..
BalasHapusseumur2 gue lom pernah loh nonton film sampe 15x..
kliatan deh siapa yang freak sekarang ahahahaha!
eh baca2 deh notes gue di fb yang tentang UP juga, ada diskusi dari anak2 gitu, seru loh! ahahaha...
BalasHapusseumur2 gue lom pernah loh nonton film sampe 15x..
kliatan deh siapa yang freak sekarang ahahahaha!
eh baca2 deh notes gue di fb yang tentang UP juga, ada diskusi dari anak2 gitu, seru loh! ahahaha...